Hello there, how are you? Welcome to another week of news from InEvent! Today we have fresh new updates on accessibility to share with you.
Come check it out.
Here at InEvent we want companies to spread their video messages and experiences to as many people as they can. Therefore, accessibility is one of our top priorities.
One popular accessibility feature among our users, allows them to broadcast an event into multiple languages channels at the same time, including sign language. Now it is possible to add a new permission level as interpreter; that way, an interpreter of your event no longer has to be signed as a speaker or sponsor anymore, which allows you to better manage these providers.
On the same note, we have updated every Web Content Accessibility Guidelines to make sure our platform will be in compliance when the latest resolution comes out. For that, we have inserted over 50 modal voice dialogs for visually impaired users navigating through the “tab” key.
We also fixed some issues on the platform so your experience could be even better.
We have fixed the Event Booking Form which allows the system to create your event directly based on this form responses. We have also fixed an issue when admins would move viewers to a session that had a different video mode on and also fixed layout issues on the Summary page and Group Rooms using mobile clients.
That is all for today. I hope you are meeting your event goals this year. Stay tuned and come back for more news soon! Thank you.
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