Customizable feedback pop-up and ticket management enhancements

Hello, how are you doing today? We have fresh news to share with you. There are new capabilities for you to customize your event interactive experiences and to manage tickets. We have also fixed a few issues.

Come check it out:


Two very important things for us at InEvent are getting feedback and enabling our clients to customize their experience as they wish. For that, we have enhanced our feedback popup feature to be fully customizable.

That means that now you can create any question you want to send to your attendees or program it to pop up on the screen right after a session of your event is over. This is really useful to encourage your attendees to leave their feedback to a specific session, or to the entire event. 

We have also deployed new capabilities to our Ticket Management. Now, you can block attendees from purchasing tickets to your events when the registration is over. And, also, you can enable ticket invitees to return their tickets to the original purchaser.

Finally, we have added optimized the layout for iPadOS  and improved the overall look and feel experience on all mobile devices when using the Neo Layout on the Virtual Lobby.


Other than these new developments, we have dedicated time to fix some issues on the platform. On the Virtual Lobby, we have fixed issues with  region support that was showing up all devices connected instead of unique users. With the Sponsor visibility issues that caused sponsor admins and hosts to not being able to view their room settings. And, some layout issues with mobile phone and iPad clients. 

We have worked on our Video Control Room, fixing issues with Low Latency streams when using a custom domain. With presenters that would remain on the list even after turned into viewers when using Video Conferencing with as WebRTC provider. And, finally, with the presenter position on Tokbox when using Group Rooms or Video Conferencing. 

That is all for today, I hope you are meeting your goals with events this year and keep sharing your feedback and needs with us. Stay tuned and come back soon for more updates! See you. 



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